Examples for "at issue"
Examples for "at issue"
1Liability is seriously at issue in the case, the court previously heard.
2He said also at issue were workers who were not employed permanently.
3The company did not specify the precise number of apps at issue.
4That, we have now decided, is not the question at issue here.
5And it is not 'British' psychology that is at issue, but English.
1The number of permanent jobs the project would create is in dispute.
2They reduce to both the capital value of the subject in dispute.
3Those facts are not in dispute, company executives said in their letter.
4The precise locality of his birth in that town is in dispute.
5The boundaries between the United States and Canada were still in dispute.
1The rebound comes hand in hand with looser credit conditions this year.
2You have work in hand, and much time has been lost today.
3Indeed, some shareholders are choosing cash in hand over future market uncertainties.
4We need to remember that power and paranoia go hand in hand.
5Barcelona stand 10 points clear of Real, with a game in hand.
1Jtekt said it did not export to China the products in question.
2You question everything. Her hope, resolve and positivity were never in question.
3Got the latest information on cell-phone activity from that area in question.
4The government in question went through a process of burnout, says Renzi.
5Our great public service broadcaster's seriousness and due impartiality is in question.
1This is particularly the case when clothes for work are under consideration.
2The company said the idea had been under consideration internally since July.
3An initial public offering is also under consideration, a third source said.
4All of the options under consideration would likely carry a heavy cost.
5The administration has previously said a carbon tax is not under consideration.
6Detecting resistance This possibility has actually been under consideration for some time.
7A stock market listing was just one of the options under consideration.
8They are taking my advice under consideration, he said, declining further comment.
9The same fact is brought out in the chapter now under consideration.
10When the hearing got underway, 664 cases of maladministration were under consideration.
11The proposal now under consideration has been in the works for months.
12The vaulting of the roof of the church was now under consideration.
13Senior LDP officials have said that liquidating Tepco is not under consideration.
14But he explained the Switzerland international had been among those under consideration.
15Commercials for Bud Light Lime or American Ale are also under consideration.
16So three options are under consideration, Cooke said in a telephone interview.